Magic Hybrid Tee
Vector Telecom's Magic Hybrid Tee is four-port coupler for matching, balance and isolation. E-plane to H-plane Isolation is a function of the symmetry which is carefully balanced on each unit. If the E-plane port 4 or the H-plane port 2 are used as inputs the split is on the output collinear ports 1 and 3. When the input is E plane port 4 the outputs are out of phase 180 deg. When the input is H plane port 2 the outputs are in phase. The in-phase and equal amplitude signals inputting into two collinear ports can result combined signals at H-plane port and cancelled signal at E-plane port. This feature is widely used in monopulse antenna feed structure and phasing testing setup.
Magic Hybrid TeeMagic Hybrid Tee
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Magic Hybrid Tee Product Range
  (GHz) Max Max (dB) (dB) Max
VT3WMTA 0.32-0.49 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.25 R3/WR2300 FDP/FDM Al
VT4WMTA 0.35-0.53 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.25 R4/WR2100 FDP/FDM Al
VT5WMTA 0.41-0.62 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.25 R5/WR1800 FDP/FDM Al
VT6WMTA 0.49-0.75 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.25 R6/WR1500 FDP/FDM Al
VT8WMTA 0.64-0.98 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.25 R8/WR1150 FDP/FDM Al
VT9WMTA 0.77-1.14 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.25 R9/WR975 FDP/FDM Al
VT12WMTA 0.96-1.46 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.25 R12/WR770 FDP/FDM Al
VT14WMTA 1.14-1.72 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.25 R14/WR650 FDP/FDM Al
VT18WMTA 1.45-2.20 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.25 R18/WR510 FDP/FDM Al
VT22WMTA 1.72-2.60 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.4 R22/WR430 FDP/FDM Al/Cu
VT26WMTA 2.17-3.30 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.4 R26/WR340 FDP/FDM Al/Cu
VT32WMTA 2.60-3.95 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.4 R32/WR284 FDP/FDM Al/Cu
VT40WMTA 3.30-4.90 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.4 R40/WR229 FDP/FDM Al/Cu
VT48WMTC 3.95-5.85 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.4 R48/WR187 FDP/FDM Al/Cu
VT58WMTC 4.90-7.05 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.4 R58/WR159 FDP/FDM Al/Cu
VT70WMTA 5.85-8.20 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.4 R70/WR137 FDP/FDM Al/Cu
VT84WMTC 2.60-3.95 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.4 R84/WR112 FBP/FBM/FBE Al/Cu
VT100WMTC 8.20-12.4 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.4 R100/WR90 FBP/FBM/FBE Al/Cu
VT120WMTPC 10.0-15.0 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.4 R120/WR75 FBP/FBM/FBE Al/Cu
VT140WMTPC 12.4-18.0 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.4 R140/WR62 FBP/FBM/FBE Al/Cu
VT180WMTC 15.0-22.0 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.4 R180/WR51 FBP/FBM/FBE Al/Cu
VT220WMTPD4 18.0-26.5 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.4 R220/WR42 FBP/FBM/FBE Al/Cu
VT260WMTPC 22.0-33.0 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.4 R260/WR34 FBP/FBM/FBE Al/Cu
VT320WMTC 26.3-40.0 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 35 ±0.4 R320/WR28 FBP/FBM/FBE Al/Cu
VT400WMTC 32.9-60.1 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 20 ±0.5 R400/WR22 FUGP Cu
VT500WMTC 39.2-59.6 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 20 ±0.5 R500/WR19 FUGP Cu
VT620WMTC 49.8-75.8 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 20 ±0.5 R620/WR15 FUGP Cu
VT740WMTC 60.5-91.9 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 20 ±0.5 R740/WR12 FUGP Cu
VT900WMTC 73.8-112 20% 1.20(H-Arm),1.50(E-Arm) 20 ±0.5 R900/WR10 FUGP Al

* The Standard Model Numbers above are the most common parts ordered for size, material and flange. However, these models can easily be altered to accommodate your needs by using the Model Number code system below for complete part number.
** Please refer to the Technical Reference section for flange types/connectors details. Please contact us for your specific requirements.
*** Typical operating bandwidth of the hybrid tee is up to 15% of waveguide center frequency. Performance degradation may occur while it covers wider waveguide bandwidth.
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